Alpine Cross
To make a 12 inch finished Alpine Cross you need the following pieces -
For the Diagonal Half Squares (or HST) you need:
      Four 3 3/8 inch squares of the white-on-white.
      Six 3 3/8 inch squares of the black and white print.
      Six 3 3/8 inch squares of the red
For the center strips you need four 5 1/2 by 2 1/2 inch strips of the black and one 2 1/2 inch square of white.
First we will make the diagonal half squares (DHS) or half square triangles, which ever you prefer calling them. You can use which ever technique you want to make them, but this is my favorite.
First, mark your lightest squares diagonally through the center. (This will be a cutting line when you are finished.) Place your black or black and white print 3 3/8 inch square, right sides together with the 3 3/8 inch marked square. Sew on either side of the drawn line, exactly 1/4 inch from the first line. Cut this square in half on the cutting line. Press them all to the darkest fabric, in this case red. You will now have two diagonal half-squares, which should measure exactly 3 inches. Repeat with the remaining 3 3/8 inch squares. Press the remaining DHSs to the print fabric.
Now sew those together into two units which look like this, 
and two units which look like this. 
Sew together the middle row    

Assemble following the diagram.
Your Alpine Cross block should measure 12 1/2 inches.
I think it makes a pretty quilt all by itself.
Here is the Alpine Cross combined with the Four Patch Chain.
Alpine Cross © Delaware Quilts December 2010
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Updated October 27, 2022