Delaware Quilts


For a 12 inch finished Blockade block you will need:

From your background cut five 3 7/8 inch squares

From a medium cut six 3 7/8 inch squares

From a dark cut five 3 7/8 inch squares

Your finished blockade block should measure 12 1/2 inches.
Measure carefully, cut and sew carefully, and you won't have any problems.

You will be making all diagonal squares for this block. First, mark your background squares diagonally through the center. (This will be a cutting line when you are finished.) Place your medium square, right sides together, with the background. Sew on either side of the drawn line, exactly 1/4 inch from the first line. Cut this square in half on the cutting line. You will now have two diagonal half-squares, which should measure exactly 3 1/2 inches. (You can see directions on how to make diagonal half squares here. )

Repeat with the remaining squares. You will need:
Six pink and maroon
diagonal half squares

Six pink and background
diagonal half squares
Four maroon and background
diagonal half squares

Assemble into rows; you will need two like this

and two like this.

Follow diagram here to complete your Blockade block.

Blockade © Delaware Quilts January 2003
The content on these pages, including text and images are the sole property of the Delaware Quilts and may not be used or reproduced in any manner without consent. All Rights Reserved.

Updated 11/2/2022

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