Floating Churn Dash
Why is this block called a
Floating Churn Dash? Because the background completely surrounds the churn
dash, making it “float” on the background square. (Or you could call it a Floating Double Monkey Wrench, both names for the same block, but this one is floating!)
Your finished block should be 9 1/2 inches square. (9 inches when in the quilt) more below
Check your measurements very carefully. Each block should
measure 9 1/2 inches when it is finished. Accuracy from beginning to end will assure that your blocks come out perfectly. Measure carefully, sew carefully, and you will have a perfect block.
For the Churn Dash block you will need –
Four 3 inch squares of your churn dash fabric
Five 3 1/2 inch squares of your background fabric
Four 3 1/2 by 2 inch rectangles of BOTH the background and the churn dash fabric
Make a diagonal line from corner to corner on the wrong side of your churn dash 3 inch square. Now make a second diagonal line 1/2 inch from the first line. |
Place the 3 inch churn dash square on the corner of the background square, and sew on BOTH lines. |
Now cut between the two lines, making your churn dash corner and a triangle square. |
Next sew a background 3 1/2 by 2 inch rectangle to a churn dash 3 1/2 by 2 inch rectangle. |
Assemble to match diagram. Your finished block should measure exactly 9 1/2 inches.
What should you use those diagonal half squares for? Anything you want to!
Here's what I did with mine. |
More Sizes
For a six inch finished (6 1/2 unfinished) Floating Chun Dash you need:
      Four 2 inch squares of your churn dash fabric
      Five 2 1/2 inch squares of your background fabric
      Four 2 1/2 by 1 1/2 inch rectangles of BOTH the background and the churn dash fabric
For a twelve inch finished (12 1/2 inch unfinished) Floating Churn Dash you need:
      Four 4 inch squares of your churn dash fabric
      Five 4 1/2 inch squares of your background fabric
      Four 4 1/2 by 2 1/2 inch rectangles of BOTH the background and the churn dash fabric
Here's another suggestion.
Floating Churn Dash © Delaware Quilts May 2002
The content on these pages, including text and images are the sole property of the Delaware Quilts and may not be used or reproduced in any manner without consent. All Rights Reserved.
Updated June 25, 2020