Delaware Quilts

Nine Patch Heart

This is a very easy block, measure, cut and assemble. I knew I needed a nine patch block, so that's where I started. I had three inch squares left over from another project, so I used those.

For a twelve inch finished block you will need:
      From one color cut five 3 inch squares and one 8 x 5 inch rectangle.
      From another contrasting or complimenting color cut four 3 inch squares and one 8 x 5 inch rectangle.
      From your background cut one 5 inch square and four 2 1/4 inch squares.

First, assemble your nine patch block.

I pressed to the darker fabric, and then pressed all the seams of the finished nine-patch in the same direction.

Add the 8 x 5 rectangle to one side of the nine patch as shown. Then add two 2 1/4 inch squares to each corner and sew diagonally from corner to corner. Now if you want, you may trim off the excess leaving a 1/4 inch seam allowance. (I left mine on since I had dark red fabrics and the double layer of white-on-white helped mask the dark reds underneath the corners.)

Next add the corners to the other 8 x 5 rectangle, and then sew it together with the 5 inch background square.

That goes on the top of the block and your block is finished. It should measure exactly 12 1/2 inches.

And here's my sample block.

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The content on these pages, including text and images are the sole property of the Delaware Quilts and may not be used or reproduced in any manner without consent. All Rights Reserved.

Posted January 16, 2023

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