Road to Oklahoma
Several years ago my friend Ginny asked why the block Road to Oklahoma wasn't on my BOM list. Her son and oldest grandchildren were moving there in the fall, and she wanted to make a few quilts for them to take with her. Below are diagrams of the quilts she made.
For the Road to Oklahoma block you will need: From your background cut two 3 7/8 inch squares and six 3 1/2 inch squares (for this block the background is yellow)
From your blue cut two 3 7/8 inch squares and six 3 1/2 inch squares
Check your measurements very carefully. Each block should measure 12 1/2 inches when it is finished. Accuracy from beginning to end will assure that your blocks come out perfectly. Measure carefully, sew carefully, and you will have a perfect block
You will need four diagonal half squares for this block. First, mark your 3 7/8 inch background squares diagonally through the center. (This will be a cutting line when you are finished.) Place your blue square, right sides together, with the background. Sew on either side of the drawn line, exactly 1/4 inch from the first line. Cut this square in half on the cutting line. Trim off the corners, or dog ears as some people like to call them. You will now have two diagonal half-squares, which should measure exactly 3 1/2 inches. Repeat with the remaining 3 7/8 inch squares.
The next step will be to build two different four patch units. First sew a background and blue 3 1/2 inch squares together, and then another pair. Sew those together into a four patch unit. Make another unit just like that one. The finished units should measure 6 1/2 inches.
The second four patch unit is made from your diagonal half squares and a blue and a background squares.
Now assemble as shown in the block at the top of the page. Your finished block should measure 12 1/2 inches.
Here are quilts in the colors and sizes Ginny made.

Becca's minty green, pink and yellow
Blocks were made with all the same background fabrics, but with two different color fabrics, one green and one pink. |
Robbie's darker browns, blues and reds (twin) Made using a slightly different block 
which uses three colors. |
Robert and Candie's Provincial colors (queen) |
Road to Oklahoma © Delaware Quilts July 2007
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