Jacob's Ladder
Block 1695a in Block Base, also known as Road to Arkansas, Susie's Fancy, Going to Chicago, Off to San Francisco, and The Railroad
For the Jacob's Ladder block you will need:
        From your background cut two 4 7/8 inch squares and a 2 1/2 by 25 inch strip
        From a contrasting color cut two 4 7/8 inch squares and one 2 1/2 by 25 inch strip
Step one: Sew, right sides together, your 2 1/2 inch strips. Cut into ten 2 1/2 inch segments.
Sew together into five four-patch blocks.

Step two: Place a dark and light 4 7/8 square right sides together. Carefully draw a line down the center, corner to corner, diagonally across the light. (This will be a cutting line when you are finished.) If you have a true 1/4 inch foot on your machine, you can sew on either side of this drawn line. If not, you will have to draw a second line on either side, exactly 1/4 inch from the first line. This will be your sewing line. After you have sewn on your sewing line, 1/4 inch on either side of your corner to corner to line, you will cut this square in half on your cutting line. You will now have two diagonal half-squares, which should measure exactly 4 1/2 inches. Repeat with second set of 4 7/8 inch squares.

Step three: Make two sets like this
Step four: Make one set like this
Sew the sets together in order as shown. Your finished block will be 12 1/2 inches square.
And if you put 16 together they will make a quilt which looks like this.
For a different looking quilt, alternate the colors in your block. Make eight blocks like shown above and eight like this.
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Then alternate them in your quilt and it will take on a whole new look.
That was the setting I used for a mystery quilt project on Mysteries For Relay group. Here are a few of the quilts from that mystery. On that group I offered projects and mysteries in exchange for contributions to my ACS web site. That group is no longer active.
This is Jane's finished quilt from that Mysteries For Relay project
And this is Renee's finished quilt from that same mystery
This is my friend Vic in NH's scrappy Jacob's Ladder. Vic and I share the love of scrappy.
Thanks for allowing me to use your quilts Vic. |
Jacob's Ladder © Delaware Quilts May 2008
The content on these pages, including text and images are the sole property of the Delaware Quilts and may not be used or reproduced in any manner without consent. All Rights Reserved.
Updated June 22, 2020