Please note as you view these photos, the sizes may not be all proportional. You might see a quilt that looks as small as a wall hanging or vice versa.
When I friend commented that there were “No Blue Balls” in my quilt, the name sort of stuck. However the pattern is named
Circular Log Cabins.
This is an easy
heart block which can be used
many different ways and is one of my favorites for making baby quilts.
This is another one of my favorite log cabin quilts. Although it looks three dimensional in this photo, that’s just an optical illusion caused by the way the colors were put in the squares. Would you believe I don’t have a finished photo of this, although it’s been finished and used since September 04.
Fieldstone Kitties above is my reminder of a fun trip a group of friends made to “upstate” New York.
Still unfinished yes but on the list to be done this year....well sooner or later.
And below is a circular log cabin wreath that might look finished, but it lacks something and I have an idea to liven it up… someday.
#309 |
This Trip Around the World was made with hand dyed fabrics that my friend Candy gave me. This was one of my favorite quilts even before it was quilted and I wanted it done by hand to make it even more special. |
This is another pattern from Quiltville.com, thanks Bonnie!
I love the 30s reproduction fabrics and Aunt Grace's are my favorite. I had to make a broken dishes quilt for my bed and finally did.
I have never liked paper piecing but was challenged to do something artsy for a guild BOM, so with the help of Electric Quilt designed Fantasy Flowers. I even quilted this one myself!
#319 was Ann Smith's Snails Tails 2005 Summer mystery, I was a tester and didn't follow directions well,
and had a whole stack of mis-cuts. Despite that, the quilt came out prefectly! (I used the mis-cuts later in #340)
I designed these funny snowmen for the 2005 retreat projects. This wall hanging was raffled to raise money for Relay For Life and now lives in Nevada.
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Updated July 13, 2020