Please note as you view these photos, the sizes may not be all proportional. You might see a quilt that looks as small as a wall
hanging or vice versa.
2010 started off ok then went downhill and then back up again. I had a second knee surgery, then was diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica and was put on prednisone. Prednisone is a steroid and makes you hyper among other things, and was just right to get me back into the swing of things, as well as making me feel better. I started quilting again in June and kept on going!
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November Stars is one I designed while I was unable to sew, and I was very anxious
to make this sample. I loved it, but sold it to raise money for Relay For Life… guess I will have to make another
November Stars was the November retreat project and Mystery #17
You can make a $6 donation here and I'll send you the pattern as a thank you.
(The form may say sale, but I guarantee you the $6 minus the PayPal fee will be donated to Relay For Life.)
Any Size You Want is another one I designed while I couldn’t get at the sewing machine and another one I was anxious to do. It’s
called Any Size because the pattern lets you decide how big to make the blocks. This was Mystery #15 and the 2010 summer mystery, and
everyone loved it! |
#398 |
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Super Duper Easy was another one of the ones I designed and then had to wait to make. It is easy,
but time consuming, all those little four patches.
I used Aunt Grace scraps, white-on-white scraps and a navy solid to
make mine. This is one I will save for a special gift.
I decided it was time I do something for the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative and challenged some on line friends
to join me. These are the miniatures I made. Visit this page to
see some of the quilts we submitted.
#400, #401, #402, #403, #404

Just Squares was Mystery #18 and was actually designed and made in September 2010, although not finished until January 2012. I’ve made two, but this one is my favorite.
#406 |
I got an email from a lady asking me to help her find her a pattern she could use to
make her Aunt Peggy a quilt. The old gal was giving up her home of 50 plus years to move into a condo, and the family wanted
something to brighten up her new bedroom. They wanted the quilt to be scrappy, so they could use up some of the aunt's fabrics,
but not all scrappy because they knew she wouldn't like that. Aunt Peggy was not a quilter, but made clothes for herself and
children so there were a lot of scraps. This is the pattern they decided to use. The block is most commonly known as Black Beauty
or Blackford's Beauty but also goes by The Hunt and Mrs. Smith's Favorite. What a perfect block for Mrs. Peggy Smith.
This was Mysteries For Relay mystery #28 |
These blocks a friend sent me, thanks Marge. I made a little lap quilt to use for charity.
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These are made from left over batik strips that had filled up a container in the sewing room. Before they started multiplying I made them into a nice lap quilt.
This is another November Stars quilt, and was supposed to be my project at the November 2010 Retreat as the other ladies worked on their star quilts. However I left home half the squares so couldn’t do a lot of sewing.
Ever have a taadaa moment? I had bought this Cowboy's fabric many years ago, and was getting tired of looking at it. Then I looked at Margaret's Hope Chest list of kids who needed quilts and there was a little guy who loved the Cowboys and well you know I just had to make it. Simple but made with love and extra warmth.
This wasn't the first quilt I donated to Margaret's Hope Chest, and it won't be the last either. This is a charity I am pleased to support for many personal reasons.
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What do you do when you have a lot of blocks left over from a quilt, but not enough to make a smaller quilt? Well I made a pillow topper. This can go on top of the pillows since the quilt wasn’t long enough to cover them, or it can go on the bottom of the bed as an extra foot warmer.
This is my 2011 BOM Sampler. Mine is smaller than the one shown on the
project page because I ran out of the B&W fabrics
and didn’t want to buy any more. I am trying to use up my stash, not add to it! |
#412 |
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Updated July 14, 2020