Some quilt shops and catalogs sell blocks of the month to sell fabric and
patterns. The purpose of my blocks pages are to help you learn
some of the basics of piecing.
        If you know the name of the block you are looking for, use "Ctrl F" (Control F) which will bring up a Find box.
Simply type in the name of the block you are looking for.
        Don't know the name, then you will want to look at the different blocks on the Photo Index below.
There you will find a mini version of each block, along with its name and the size of the pattern.
        To make any block go together better, measure each element as you make it. If the directions say it should be 4 1/2 inches
measure it and make sure it is. If it's too large, trim it down evenly on all sides. If it's too small... start over again.
        Read ALL of the directions before you do anything else to make sure you understand them. If you are confused, ask questions.
If you find a broken link, please send me an email and let me know. Thanks!
(Triangle squares, diagonal half squares, or half square triangles. They are all the same thing, just different names.)
Photo Index
The sizes listed below are finished. 12 inch finished means when placed in a quilt. Unfinished is when you are done making it but before it is put in the quilt, so it's unfinished size is 12 1/2 inches. 6 1/2 inches unfinished is 6 inches finished (when placed in a quilt)
(Want to find a block by name? Hit Control F)
Do you want to convert a pattern to a different size, but don't know how to do it?
This page might help you.
Please respect the copyright laws when visiting my site, or any other web site.
To my knowledge, all of the blocks shown on the BOM page are of public domain. The diagrams and instructions are all my own making. You may print them for personal use only. If you want more copies, please ask permission first.
Please do not copy my BOM or other patterns and sell them or use them for profit. Please do not copy my BOM or pattern instructions
and sell them or use them for profit. Please do not copy the BOM or pattern diagrams and/or images from my web site and sell them
or use them for profit.
No diagrams, bitmaps, photographs, JPGS, JPEGS or GIFS may be copied from my web site without my permission. If you wish to link to any of my patterns using a photo link,
please request permission to borrow that image first.
Quilt guilds and/or clubs may request permission to print my BOMS for educational purposes only. I will provide a printer friendly
version upon request in exchange for a donation to my Relay For Life fundraising efforts. The printer friendly version will include a permission statement which must be included when printed.
If you make a quilt using one of my patterns, what you do with it is completely up to you. I would request that you give me credit as the pattern designer on the label of the quilt
and in any written show description if you should enter your quilt in a show. But what you do with your quilt is up to you.
If you should profit from a quilt made using one of my BOMs or patterns, I would hope that you share some of the profit with my favorite charity, the American Cancer Society.
Donations may be made by check made payable to the American Cancer Society and sent to Marge Gordon at 18 Beebe Dr Lewes, DE 19958. Any donation is greatly appreciated.
And of course, I would love seeing any quilts made using my BOMs or patterns. Send photos to or
my address above. Thanks!
If in doubt as to what you can do with my BOMs and patterns, please ask.
If you would like to just donate, please click the donate button below. And thank you!
        Delaware Quilts started as a fun web site in September of 1997 for me to post information about a quilt retreat I was arranging for some internet friends. Those retreats ended up lasting twenty-four years. Covid put a stop those retreats two years in a row and after that I decided it was time retire. Do I miss it, you bet I do, especially all the wonderful friends I made!
        One thing my ladies always enjoyed while retreating was fabric shopping. On this page you can find a list of some of the stores where the retreaters used to shop for their fabrics. (I have not been back to Lancaster in recent years so I can not guarantee the reliability of this list, so check before you go please shopping.)
For my friends who like to keep up with my family, check here.
(These photos are all links.)
|Email |
Updated February 22, 2025
Please note… if you send me an email, in order for me to reply to you, you must add to your address book. Otherwise your server may deliver my reply to your spam folder, and you will never get it.
Copyright © 2025 Delaware Quilts.
The content on these pages, including text and images are the sole property of the Delaware Quilts and may not be used or reproduced in any manner without consent. All Rights Reserved.